 * MineAdmin is committed to providing solutions for quickly building web applications
 * Please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code,
 * For the full copyright and license information.
 * Thank you very much for using MineAdmin.
 * @Author X.Mo<root@imoi.cn>
 * @Link   https://gitee.com/xmo/MineAdmin

namespace Mine\Redis;

use Hyperf\Utils\Coroutine;
use Mine\Abstracts\AbstractRedis;
use Mine\Exception\NormalStatusException;
use Mine\Interfaces\MineRedisInterface;

class MineLockRedis extends AbstractRedis implements MineRedisInterface
     * 设置 key 类型名
     * @param string $typeName
    public function setTypeName(string $typeName): void
        $this->typeName = $typeName;

     * 获取key 类型名
     * @return string
    public function getTypeName(): string
        return $this->typeName;

     * 运行锁,简单封装
     * @param \Closure $closure
     * @param string $key
     * @param int $expired
     * @param int $timeout
     * @param float $sleep
     * @return bool
     * @throws \Throwable
    public function run(\Closure $closure, string $key, int $expired, int $timeout = 0, float $sleep = 0.1): bool
        if (! $this->lock($key, $expired, $timeout, $sleep)) {
            return false;

        try {
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {
            logger('Redis Lock')->error(t('mineadmin.redis_lock_error'));
            throw new NormalStatusException(t('mineadmin.redis_lock_error'), 500);
        } finally {

        return true;

     * 检查锁
     * @param string $key
     * @return bool
     * @throws \Psr\Container\ContainerExceptionInterface
     * @throws \Psr\Container\NotFoundExceptionInterface
    public function check(string $key): bool
        return redis()->exists($this->getKey($key));

     * 添加锁
     * @param string $key
     * @param int $expired
     * @param int $timeout
     * @param float $sleep
     * @return bool
     * @throws \Psr\Container\ContainerExceptionInterface
     * @throws \Psr\Container\NotFoundExceptionInterface
    public function lock(string $key, int $expired, int $timeout = 0, float $sleep = 0.1): bool
        $retry = $timeout > 0 ? intdiv($timeout * 100, 10) : 1;

        $name = $this->getKey($key);

        while ($retry > 0) {

            $lock = redis()->set($name, 1, ['nx', 'ex' => $expired]);
            if ($lock || $timeout === 0) {
            Coroutine::id() ? Coroutine::sleep($sleep) : usleep(9999999);


        return true;

     * 释放锁
     * @param string $key
     * @return bool
     * @throws \Psr\Container\ContainerExceptionInterface
     * @throws \Psr\Container\NotFoundExceptionInterface
    public function freed(string $key): bool
        $luaScript = <<<Lua
            if redis.call("GET", KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] then
                return redis.call("DEL", KEYS[1])
                return 0

        return redis()->eval($luaScript, [$this->getKey($key), 1], 1) > 0;


标签: none
